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The Meaning and Inspiration of Reason Why by Ron Pope and Grace Weber



Ron Paul is unlikely to speak at the RNC for the simple reason that he is a relic of a bygone era of American conservatism. There simply is no place in the GOP (or even the Democratic Party) who thinks that the Bill of Rights is not negotiable, that the United States should not have a global military presence that naturally increases tensions with other nations, and that spending needs to be cut in earnest to the lowest possible level across the board.

ron pope reason why

Hünseler also stressed that the clear affirmation of the non-violence of faith and reason and the condemnation of attempts to justify violence in their name constituted a "courageous" act on the part of the Muslim signatories. There were opposing views in Iran.

Binder expects DeSantis won't officially enter the Republican presidential contest anytime soon. One reason is that as he soon as he does, it will likely spark open warfare with Trump. As governor, DeSantis can largely ignore Trump while also talking to donors and traveling to states with early 2024 primaries.

Aboard the Papal Airplane (CNN) - Pope Francis said Monday that he will not "judge" gays and lesbians, including gay priests, signaling a shift from his predecessor and offering another sign that the new pope is committed to changing the church's approach to historically marginalized groups.

Though he was answering a question about the so-called "gay lobby" at the Vatican, the pope indicated a change in tone, if not in teaching, in the church's stance towards gays and lesbians more generally.

Taking questions from reporters aboard the plane, the pope addressed nearly every hot-button issue facing the Roman Catholic Church: its alleged "gay lobby," Vatican bank corruption, the role of women, abortion, homosexuality and his own personal security.

The pontiff spoke for an hour and a half in the back of the plane that was carrying him back to Italy after his first international trip as pope to Brazil, where he was greeted by massive, frenzied crowds at every turn.

The pope addressed the issue of an alleged "gay lobby" within the church. Hints that the Holy See contained a network of gay clergy surfaced last year in reports about a series of embarrassing leaks to Italian journalists.

The pope also spoke out about the role of women in the church, saying it needs to be deeper and not end. But he brushed aside the possibility of ordaining women as priests, saying the church had spoken on the matter: "The church says no. That door is closed." He did say that more work needed to be done theologically on the role of women in the church.

"I believe this is a time of mercy, a change of epoch," the pope said when asked about divorce. He said the group of eight cardinals tasked with reform will explore the issue of whether divorcees can receive Communion, which they are currently barred from doing.

John Allen said the pope was taking questions for over an hour. This is a pope who fancies himself the new St. Francis of Assissi and none, NOT ONE, of these professional journalists thought to ask this guy about the church and animals?

The pope is Human and by no means God. He answered correctly.I believe that the reason why there is so much chaos on earth right now is due to the lack of faith in God these days. He (God) has pretty much stepped back and is allowing Evil to do it's will on earth due to our lack of faith and belief in him. There will come a time where we will all know the Truth and at that time it will be too late.

Any time I read a book that has talking snakes, donkeys and flaming foliage I get the distinct impression it is fiction.Add to that unicorns, half man half goat beasts, flaming snakes, 7 headed dragons that snack on pregnant women, locusts with the face of a man, the hair of a woman, the mouth of a lion and the tail of a scorpion wearing armor and tiny crowns and it can reasonably be ascertained that the story is about as true to life as Dorothy's sojourn in Oz.

Well of course we want you to prove God exists, dummy. You have been saying he exists for 2 plus thousand years.So at this point, put up or shut up.The reason you can not, is because he or she does not exist.Evolution is scientific fact.The only people arguing this point are the religious people that are furious that the truth contradicts their fairy tale book.

"'I would suggest, if they're actually trying to attract atheists, they should talk about proof and reason to believe in their god, not just some pithy play on words,' Silverman said." I can't believe he's still using "reason" as an excuse.

Reasonable people know that reason, logic, emotion, imagination or a desire to believe in something greater cannot be explained by a purely material existence. These traits do not conform to a world governed solely by natural forces. Ironically, without God, atheists couldn't even use reason to deny His existence.

If you could reason with a believer they'd no longer be believers. There is no evidence to support the creation myths of any religion, so how could reason and logic lead to a conclusion that they are true? The creation myths are the "credentials" of a religion and they have no substance.

-say's who? We do know that is all entirely depended on.....a material existence. Those things rise as a result of the human brain. The human brain is a physical, material, biochemical object. Without the physical brain, you do not have them. That requires no deity to explain, and a deity doesn't even explain how such things arise. You would think if a god exist and was intelligent....then it would know that reason dictate evidence, not irrational blind belief.

-reasonable people don't have a problem with Thor, or Hercules, or Zeus, or Ra. Yet....reasonable people aren't suggesting those deities (who also have no evidence for claims of their existence).....are real. Reason....remember?

-the geological record does not support a global flood. A global flood contradicts the scientific consensus in geology and paleontology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, cosmology, biology, geophysics and stratigraphy. You are basing your claim on a mythical story. The flood story itself wasn't original to Israel. The same narrative elements were found in the Sumerian flood myth cuneiform tablets which predate the Israelites given that the Sumerians were the first known civilization to arise in the fertile crescent region. It's where Israel got its concept for the flood narrative. Israel adapted and modified older stories that were common at the time. The Sumerian myths had near the same narrative- flood result of a divine decision, one individual chosen to be recused, given instructions on building a boat and load it with animals & who to bring on board, the flood covers the rest of the earth, birds are sent out to find dry land ( in near the same order), boat lands on a mountain, hero offers a sacrifice and receives a blessing. The difference with the later biblical adaptation is that Israel transformed those stories by replacing the group of capricious gods into one single god using moral reasons for the flood rather than pure capriciousness. Didn't bother to change any other elements of the story. It was simply a convenient way to describe a situation where a calamity can result from certain actions deemed immoral to the biblical writers. So they changed the meaning of the story to reflect their views. The book of genesis wasn't composed until around the time of the Babylonian exile around 6th century BCE of the 1st millennium. The Sumerian stories date well into the 4th-3rd millennium BCE.

-there's no evidence a god did anything. You are merely stating an asserted claim which is unsupported.....just like the assertions of the deeds of Zeus & Hercules are unsupported. Turn away from your rebellion of reason. Blind gullibility will only take you so far. Willful ignorance helps no one. Get it together.

You said, "But are you able to make a distinction between fiction from the mind of men, and reality from the Spirit of God?"Since the evidence for the existence of your god is equal to the evidence that Harry Potter is real, or the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny, there is no reason to believe that your god is any different. 2ff7e9595c

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