This course follows the material covered in ES152 and dives deeper into the analysis and design of modern analog mixed-signal circuits using CMOS transistors. The course begins with a broad conceptual survey of important mixed-signal circuits such as CMOS amplifiers of various types and their critical building blocks, digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters, oscillators, phase- and delay-locked loops, parallel and serial transceivers, and power supplies of various types. Then, the second phase of the course dives into the details of circuit analysis and design, largely revolving around amplifiers implemented in integrated circuit CMOS, covering concepts such as feedback, open- and short-circuit time constants, noise, etc. The third phase of the course will center on final design projects of mixed-single circuits selected by student groups. In parallel, the final third of lectures will delve into several case studies to reinforce understanding and design of analog mixed-signal circuits. This course will utilize modern circuit simulators to aid in circuit design and analysis.
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In this course students will learn to read and understand quantitative information, solve practical problems, and make sound decisions using numbers. Topics include consumer applications, logic, probability, statistics, algebra, and geometry. This course is for students who need a quantitative reasoning course for graduation or transfer. 2ff7e9595c